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Daily Schedule
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What is MSIP?
West Niagara Secondary School will be running a 5 period day. Students will have 4 classes and a multi-subject instructional period (MSIP) on their timetable. The purpose of an MSIP is to provide time for silent work, group work, catching up, working on projects or getting extra help in subjects of need. We will be organizing staff on MSIPs to maximize the variety of subject areas represented each period - allowing students to get help in a variety of subjects, if needed. MSIP is mandatory to attend, and attendance is taken as it is for the four classes on student timetables.
Mental Health and Well Being
with Sarah Nepon
Additional Content on Student Health

The Save a Seat Fundraiser is still running for the West Niagara Secondary School
Saving a seat is a great way to honour friends or family, and to support the theatre in our new
school. Seats are still available in the upper section ($300), rows 3-5 ($1500), and rows 1-2
($2000). Seats in the first two rows are almost sold out