(905) 945-5416 5699 King St., Lincoln, Ontario L3J 1N5

Student Success


What is Student Success?

The role of the Student Success Teacher (SST) , is to facilitate the acquisition of credits for the struggling student. To keep students on track for graduation, the formula of 16 credits by age 16 is applied.

The SST is a mentor/advocate for these identified students. There is a definite need to consider each student individually so on-going consultation with the classroom teacher is a must. The classroom teacher remains the curriculum expert, and he or she will ultimately evaluate and assess the student. 

Working with guidance, administration, credit recovery and the in-school support team, the SST identifies the at-risk students, initiates program changes, advocates for students and tracks progress.

In order to make the program changes which will meet the needs of these students, the SST must also be aware of the support systems and alternate programs offered beyond the immediate school interventions. Often times, there is a need to be creative with timetables, workload, co-op and other educational settings. Working together, students will be successful and be on track to graduate.

How do I access Student Success?

If you need help managing a class or classes, you should contact the Student Success department. Our offices are found on the first floor near the main office.

Grade 9 Mentorship Program

This program starts with Camp Wolfpack and will continue throughout the school year. If you were not able to go to Camp , don't worry - every grade 9 will be matched with a senior student mentor. Throughout the school year, there will be dates where we get together in our mentorship groups and talk about various topics including transitioning to high school, getting involved with the many activities we offer, preparing for exams and more. 

Peer Tutoring

Need a Tutor?

If you feel like you could use extra support in any of your classes sign up for a peer tutor through the link below. A peer tutor is a fellow student who will work with you to help you understand the material being covered in a course. The Student Success team will match you with a tutor who is strong in your specific subject area of need. You will make arrangements with your tutor to meet  on your own time at lunch or before or after school. You and the tutor will make your own schedule. You are reminded that they are volunteering to help you so please remember when you make appointments!

Want to be a Tutor?

Being a peer tutor is a rewarding experience that will help you consolidate your knowledge and feel good about helping someone else. You can use this experience on your resume and may be able to earn community service hours for it too! If you are interested in becoming a tutor, fill out the application form below and the Student Success team will keep it in our files. When we have a request from a student looking for help in your subject areas of strength, we will contact you and make the match. When you meet your tutee, you will arrange to get together with them on your own schedule. Many will plan to meet at lunch time or before or after school. 

Student Success Initiatives

Useful Links