(905) 945-5416 5699 King St., Lincoln, Ontario L3J 1N5

WNSS Late and Missed Assignment Policy

Key Elements:

The Ontario Ministry of Education’s document, Growing Success, states that the primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Students are responsible for providing evidence of their achievement of the overall expectations of the course within the time frame specified by the teacher, and in a form approved by the teacher.

The following strategies are noted in Growing Success, and represent best practices in encouraging students to complete assessments on time.

• asking the student to clarify the reason for not completing the assignment
• helping students develop better time-management skills
• collaborating with other staff to prepare a part- or full-year calendar of major assignment dates for every class
• planning for major assignments to be completed in stages,so that students are less likely to be faced with an all-or-nothing situation at the last minute
• maintaining ongoing communication with students and/or parents about due dates and late assignments,and scheduling conferences with parents if the problem persists
• in secondary schools,referring the student to the Student Success team or teacher
• taking into consideration legitimate reasons for missed deadlines
• setting up a student contract
• using counselling or peer tutoring to try to deal positively with problems
• holding teacher-student conferences
• reviewing the need for extra support for English language learners
• reviewing whether students require special education services
• requiring the student to work with a school team to complete the assignment
• for First Nation,Métis,and Inuit students, involving Indigenous counsellors and members of the extended family
• understanding and taking into account the cultures,histories,and contexts of First Nation, Métis,and Inuit students and parents and their previous experiences with the school system
• providing alternative assignments or tests/exams where, in the teacher’s professional judgment, it is reasonable and appropriate to do so
• deducting marks for late assignments,up to and including the full value of the assignment.

Teachers will continue to use their professional judgment, and take individual student circumstances into consideration, when applying this policy. Informing and working with MSIP teachers to catch up on missed or late work is an effective way to assist students in both achievement and time management skills. Teachers will also continue to apply accommodations listed in student IEPs (e.g. extra time) consistently throughout the semester and outside of the guidelines listed below. Students with the accommodation of extra time on their IEP will not have marks deducted until after 5 days late.In the case of exceptional or extenuating circumstances only, students are encouraged to ask for an extension prior to deadlines.

The guidelines below are for major assignments only - “late marks” should not be deducted from smaller-scale items and day to day assessments.

10 Day Window Guidelines

At the end of the 10 school-day period following the due date, the major assignment in question would not be accepted. Students still looking to demonstrate the expectations being assessed may work with the teacher on alternative means of demonstrating. This would be an age- and course-specific process relying on the teacher’s professional judgement for guidance.

The purpose of this feature is to recognize that demonstration of learning is best done during the period of instruction of that material. This feature also was designed recognizing the impact of timely student feedback (e.g. returned work) on learning, and the importance of avoiding plagiarism.

Teachers are expected to inform a student’s parent/guardian of the outstanding major assignment by day 5 of the 10 day period, and encouraged to involve MSIP teachers to support.

This window does not extend beyond the FCA day for that class at the end of a semester. Any work submission beyond this point would be at the teacher’s discretion.

Late and Missing Assignment Penalties

Noting the maximum deductions below, teachers have the flexibility to structure these penalties in a way that best suits their course (e.g. 2% per day throughout the ten day window, or 1-5 days late (10%), 6-10 days late (20%) for a 20% overall penalty)

Grade 9 W, O courses
Up to a 5% penalty over a ten day window following the due date.

Grade 10 P, D, O courses
Up to a 10% penalty over a ten day window following the due date.

Grade 11 and 12 - College courses
Up to a 10% penalty over a ten day window following the due date.

Grade 11 and 12 - University and Mixed courses
Up to a 20% penalty over a ten day window following the due date.

Locally Developed and Workplace courses

Teachers will work with students to submit quality evidence of learning as per the timelines of the class.

WNSS Late and missed assignment policy PDF DOWNLOAD (pdf)
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