Visual Arts Department
The Visual Arts department at West Niagara focuses on a wide range of disciplines. To start, our department covers all grades from 9 to 12 in the traditional Visual Arts courses.
In grades 9 and 10, the fundamentals of art are covered with a focus on elements and principles of design, basic sculpting techniques, and intro to drawing and painting. For grade 11 and 12, the students will begin to explore their own unique style a little more, with the emphasis on developing and telling their own experiences through their artwork.
Throughout these programs, art history elements are studied from many cultures and periods of history. Starting with the Paleolithic Era in Grade 9 and ending with today's modern art components that shape our societies today in Grades 12 and 11.
In addition to the traditional Visual Arts classes listed above, West Niagara also has many elective courses as well. If you take a grade 9 or 10 art, you will have the options in grade 11 and 12 to take a wide variety of other elective art courses. WNSS offers the following electives:
- Grade 11 Photography
- Grade 12 Photography
- Grade 11 Yearbook
- Grade 12 Yearbook
- Grade 12 Drawing and Painting/Portfolio development class
Enjoy art and be creative!
Visual Arts Teachers at WNSS:
Blair McMath
Magdolene Dykstra
Jennifer Bolan