(905) 945-5416 5699 King St., Lincoln, Ontario L3J 1N5

Tuesday June 17, 2024

Lockers – Don’t forget to clean out your locker and take your lock before your last day for exams or culminating activity.

Morning Announcers – Can all morning announcers please see Mrs. Gardner before the end of the day.

Pride Pack - Happy Pride Month!  What does it mean to be an ally?  Being an ally means acting in solidarity with and supporting the rights and safety of members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, even if you don’t identify as a part of the community.  Being an ally means taking action and demonstrating a commitment to promote inclusivity and create systematic change on an ongoing basis.  You can become an ally by standing up for the 2SLGBTQIA+community when you hear comments, jokes, or behaviors that discriminate against queer people.

Student Council - Student Council wishes everyone good luck on their Final Culminating Activities and exams!  To celebrate this last day of classes, Student Council will be handing out freezies FOR FREE at lunch today in the cafeteria.  Come to the cafeteria at lunch for a cool send-off from Student Council!