(905) 945-5416 5699 King St., Lincoln, Ontario L3J 1N5

Monday March 24th, 2025

Art Club – Art Club Tuesdays – come to room 315 after school tomorrow to make art!

Boys’ Baseball – Today we will have tryout at Sherwood Park from 2:30 until 4:00 weather permitting.  A decision will be made at lunch.  Let Mrs. Gardner know if you need a ride there.

Pickleball Palooza - Pickleball Palooza!  If you love pickleball or want to learn how to play pickleball, come and join us in the yellow gym Tuesday and Thursday this week at lunch for some great competition and fun play – whatever level you are at.

Improv Club - Interested in joining a new club?  If you enjoy Drama and love to get creative and think on your feet, join us in the Drama Studio (room 328) EACH WEDNESDAY AT LUNCH for the Improv Club.  No experience is necessary and all skill levels are welcome.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Finley.  Hope to see you there!

Grads - Calling all Grade 12 students!  Yearbook needs you to fill out your grad quotes.  Please visit the Grade 12 D2L page to fill out the Grad Quote Form with your name and quote.  This must be filled out by Friday March 28th before the form is closed.


Friday March 21, 2025

Spring Formal – This year’s Spring Formal will take place April 10th at the Grand Olympia from 5-10 pm.  The theme for this year’s formal is ‘Diamonds and Disco’!  The last day to buy tickets is this Sunday.

Yearbook - Stay in the moment forever with this year's yearbook!  Don't miss this opportunity.  Be sure to order now as supplies are limited.  Each premium book will be $50, place your order using school cash online.  Orders will arrive in June.  See Mr. McMath if you have any other questions in room 315 or 309.

Jr. Boys’ Hockey - A reminder that there will be a quick team meeting at lunch in room 342.  Please see Mr. Carey or Mr. Malcolm if you cannot make it.

Boys’ Baseball – Tryouts will continue next week on Monday and Wednesday.  We are hoping to be at Sherwood Park on the corner or Main St. E. and Baker Rd. N. but this will depend on the weather over the weekend.

Grads - Calling all Grade 12 students!  Yearbook needs you to fill out your grad quotes.  Please visit the Grade 12 D2L page to fill out the Grad Quote Form with your name and quote.  This must be filled out by Friday March 28th before the form is closed.

Thursday March 20th, 2025

Lunchtime Science Help – Need help with science?  Lunchtime Science Help today for Physics, Biology and Grade 9 and 10 science.  Meet us in room 347!

Pride Pack - Pride Pack is a safe place for students and staff of diverse genders and sexualities to meet and form a supportive community.  Pride Pack meets today at lunch in 317.  All are welcome.

Christian Club - Christian Club is starting up a new series on personalities.  All are welcome to join us today in room 120 at lunch.

Pickleball Palooza - Pickleball Palooza!  If you love pickleball or want to learn how to play pickleball, come and join us in the yellow gym Tuesday and Thursday this week at lunch for some great competition and fun play – whatever level you are at.

OSSLT - Are you writing the literacy test?  Just a reminder that there is a prep session today at lunch in room 235.

Yearbook - Hey Wolfpack! Have you had a good year so far?  Do you want to remember it in the form of a book?  If you answered yes, then go to School Cash Online and purchase a yearbook for $50.  The book will be released in June, but don’t wait because our books are limited!  Buy now to secure your yearbook.  If you have any questions see Mr. McMath in room 315 or 309.

Jr. Boys’ Hockey - The junior boys hockey team roster will be posted during period two on the board next to the phys-ed office.  There will be a quick meeting for the junior boys hockey team at lunch, tomorrow, Friday March 21st in room 342.


Wednesday March 19, 2025

Lunchtime Math Help – Need help with math? Lunchtime Math Help is at lunch today!Grade 9’s and 10’s meet in room 304, Grade 11’s and 12’s meet in room 335. See you there!

Athletic Council - This is a reminder to Athletic Council that there will be a meeting at lunch today in room 121. See you there!

School Nurse - This is a reminder that Nurse Megan is here today to provide one-on-one confidential support.

Pride Pack - Pride Pack is a safe place for students and staff of diverse genders and sexualities to meet and form a supportive community. Pride Pack meets today at lunch in 317. All are welcome.

Spring Formal - Spring is drawing near Wolfpack, and do you know what that means? Spring Formal! This year’s Spring Formal will take place April 10th at the Grand Olympia from 5-10 pm. The theme for this year’s formal is ‘Diamonds and Disco’! The last day to buy tickets is this Sunday.

Pickleball Palooza - Pickleball Palooza!If you love pickleball or want to learn how to play pickleball, come and join us in the yellow gym Tuesday and Thursday this week at lunch for some great competition and fun play – whatever level you are at.

Varsity Ultimate Frisbee - Attention Ultimate Frisbee players! Tryouts are after school today from 2:30-3:50. Meet outside on the grass field.Tryouts will also be tomorrow, Thursday March 20th, after school from 2:30-4. Be prepared for both an outside or inside tryout depending on the weather. If you have any questions or concerns go see Miss. Gross.

Yearbook - Hey Wolfpack! We’re excited to announce that our 2024/25 yearbook is now up for sale! You can purchase the yearbook using School Cash Online for a price of $50. The book will be released in June but don’t wait because our books are limited! Buy now to secure your yearbook. If you have any questions see Mr. McMath in room 315 or 309.

Wolfpack Wellness Team - This is a reminder to members of the Wolf Pack Wellness Team that we are meeting today at lunch in room 215.

DSBN Technological Skills Competition - Thank you to all participating students for representing WNSS at this year's DSBN Tech Skills Competition and congratulations to the following medalists:

  • Rachel Cornfield - GOLD in Aesthetics
  • Evan Thwaites - GOLD in Coding
  • Ayva Longo - GOLD in Hairstyling
  • Kael Watson - GOLD in Precision Machining
  • Jack Barron - GOLD in Welding
  • Matt Selinger - SILVER in Welding
  • Nicholas Raffaele and Ty Fielding - SILVER in Team Carpentry
  • Quinn Larsen and Jenna Prest - BRONZE in Team Carpentry
  • Avery Dearman - BRONZE in Precision Machining
  • Aaron Nezic - BRONZE in Web Design & Development

Good luck to students who are moving on to represent DSBN at the Skills Ontario Competition in May!


Tuesday March 18th, 2025

Lunchtime Science Help – Need help with science?  Lunchtime Science Help today at lunch for Chemistry and grade 9 and 10 science.  Meet us in room 347!

Boys’ Baseball – We will continue tryouts today and tomorrow after school in the yellow gym or outside depending on the weather.

West Niagara Singers - Do you like to sing?  Join the West Niagara Singers after school today in room 114. New members welcome.  No experience necessary.

Art Club - Art Club is happening today after school.  Come to room 315 and make some art!

Athletic Council - The March Madness basketball tournament will begin today at lunch in the red gym.  Don't forget to check the schedule posted outside of the gym to see when you play.  See you there!

Pickleball Palooza - Pickleball Palooza!  If you love pickleball or want to learn how to play pickleball, come and join us in the yellow gym Tuesday and Thursday this week at lunch for some great competition and fun play – whatever level you are at.

Culture Day - Hey Wolfpack, there is a Culture Day Committee meeting during lunch today in room 352!  All are welcome!  Come if you are interested and be part of planning and participating in a fun day!

Spring Formal - Hey Wolfpack!!!  Spring Formal tickets are almost gone!!!  Make sure to get yours in school cash online!!!  Don't miss out!

Talent Show - Did you miss out on buying in to see the talent show this Friday during period 4?  It's not too late!!!  Spots are available in school cash online.  The cost is $2.00 per person....Come and see our talented students perform!!!

Survivor - Survivor starts tomorrow!!!!!  Tribal Council.....at the beginning of lunch....front of the caf.....BE THERE!!!!

Ultimate Frisbee - Attention Ultimate Frisbee players!  Tryouts will be tomorrow,Wednesday March 19 after school from 2:30-4.  Be prepared for both outside and inside - meet in the red gyms.

Monday March 17th, 2025

Art Club – Welcome back, Wolfpack.  We hope you had a great March Break.  Art Club is back up and running tomorrow after school!

Jr. Boys’ Hockey - If you would like to try out for the junior boys hockey team, use the QR codes posted outside of rooms 202 and 342 to fill out the form.  If you are not on the list you will be unable to tryout.  Tryouts will be tomorrow, Tuesday March 18th and Wednesday March 19th from 3pm-4pm at the Fleming Arena.  Any questions, please see Mr. Carey or Mr. Malcolm.

Boys’ Baseball – This week’s tryouts will be Tuesday and Wednesday after school in the yellow gym.  Don’t forget to complete the QR code!

Boys’ Soccer - Attention Junior and Senior boys' soccer players:  Welcome back! Your next tryout is today, right after school on the field.  You will try out together, but we will have two separate teams.  Please dress appropriately and bring your water.

Scavenger Hunt - Today is the St. Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt!  If you bought out, you will be excused from your period 3 class.  Come to the front of the caf at the start of period 3 to start your quest for the gold!

Spring Formal - Spring is drawing near Wolfpack, and do you know what that means?  Spring Formal! This year’s Spring Formal will take place April 10th at the Grand Olympia from 5-10 pm.  The theme for this year’s formal is ‘Diamonds and Disco’!  Tickets will be $55 and are available on School Cash Online.

Track & Field - Calling anyone interested in the track and field team this year… Please attend our sign up meeting TODAY at the beginning of lunch in the red gym.  Track and field offers it all: jumping, throwing, sprinting, long distance running, hurdles, and steeplechase. There is something for everyone!  If you are at all considering joining the team, please attend the meeting to have your questions answered.

Girls’ Varsity Soccer - Just a reminder that soccer tryouts are tomorrow and Wednesday from 2:30- 4pm after school on the back field. See you there.

Varsity Ultimate Frisbee - Attention Ultimate Frisbee players!  Tryouts will be this Wednesday and Thursday after school from 2:30-4pm.

March Madness - The March Madness 3v3 Basketball tournament will not be starting today.  It will begin tomorrow.  Please check the schedule that will be posted by the gym to see when you play this week.  Please let Miss. Barton and Mrs. Wall know if you have any questions.