(905) 945-5416 5699 King St., Lincoln, Ontario L3J 1N5

Pathway planning is for all students. As soon as you start with us in grade 9, you will begin to build your pathway towards your future goals. We are here to help you with your goals. Don't know where to start, take a look below, or book an appointment with a guidance counsellor.  

What do I need to graduate?

Take a look at both graphics to the left to understand what you need to graduate.

Please note that due to the provincial government's recent announcement, changes to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements have been made.



A summary of changes below:

Students who started Grade 9 in or before Fall 2023 (image #1)

  • 30 credits
    • 18 of which are compulsory and 12 optional
  • 40 hours of community service
  • The provincial literacy requirement (OSSLT)
  • At least 2 online learning credits (*can opt out of this)


Students who started Grade 9 in 2024 and onwards (image #2)

  • 30 credits
    • 17 of which are compulsory
      • *NEW* Grade 9 or 10 technology credit
      • *NEW* One credit in the STEM related course group
    • 13 of which are optional
  • 40 hours of community service
  • The provincial literacy requirement (OSSLT)
  • At least 2 online learning credits (*can opt out of this)
