C.O.L.S. Central Ontario Leadership Seminar
This is a dynamic, all expense paid, three-day workshop offered to one grade 10 student each year. It aims to motivate and develop future leaders by recognizing young talent and providing a forum to build upon leadership skills.
Morning Announcers
Each morning we are greeted with the sweet sound of announcers who tell us what is happening at WNSS! These students apply for this position at the beginning of the year and are chosen based on their enthusiastic voices. Any student is welcome to apply.
Student Council
West Niagara's student council plays a crucial role in representing the student body and fostering a sense of community within our school. Its responsibilities include organizing and coordinating school events and activities, advocating for student concerns and interests to our school administrators, and promoting leadership and civic engagement among students. Student council also promotes a positive and enthusiastic school environment. Members organize events, fundraisers, spirit days, and activities that foster a sense of belonging and pride among students, ultimately boosting school spirit and unity.
Music Council
The Music Council is a group of students in the department who assist in planning trips, events, and concerts for all music students. Any music student is encouraged to participate. See Ms. Henderson or Mrs. McNeil if you are interested.
Indigenous Education Club
Are you interested in learning more about Indigenous education? Looking for a way to take action in your own reconciliation? Do you have a passion for spreading awareness on current issues? Would you like to be involved in organizing school-wide initiatives and events for the Wolfpack community? Consider joining the NEW Wolfpack Indigenous Education Club! The club is open to ALL students grade 9-12. No prior knowledge or experience is needed! Talk to Ms. Urovitz or Ms. Zombolas for more exciting details!