Contact the WNSS Co-op Team:

Co-op Team Email:
Co-op Office Phone:
| |
905-641-1150 ext. 62473 |
Co-op Teachers:
Zack Silverthorne (Lead)
905-945-5416 ext. 85531
Dave Klingbile
905-945-5416 ext. 85112
Sallie Putzman
Carrie Thwaites
Semester 1 Only
Lisa Perino
Semester 2 Only |
Are You an Employer Who is Interested in the Co-op Program? - Click Link:
Co-op Student Request Form |
Co-op Program FAQs:
Why should I take Co-op?
Cooperative Education can play an important role in your life as it allows you to work with an employer in the field that you would like to pursue after high school. Co-op placements can turn into part/full-time employment and you can include this valuable experience in your cover letter and resume.
How many periods is Co-op?
Co-op can be a single period if you’re an SHSM student, a double period where your MSIP is considered part of Co-op, or a four period (all-day).
Is there transportation available
for placements if I don’t have a
car or ride?
No, it is your responsibility to get a ride to and from the placement each day.
Can a Co-op placement be
in the school?
Yes, we have many Co-op students in the school each semester. This is only available for 1 period (SHSM only) or 2 period students. We have Co-op students in most school departments including Music, Art, Hospitality (Cafeteria), Phys. Ed., the Learning Commons, Special Education classes, Construction, Manufacturing & Welding, Tech Design, Exploring Technologies, Transportation, Health Care, Cosmetology, English, Math, and more!
How many hours do I need to
work each day?
Two period co-op students generally work 15 hours per week (3 per day) and four credit Co-op students generally work 30 hours per week (6 per day).
Can I take Co-op in Grade 11?
Yes, you can take Co-op in Grade 11, 12, and 12B.
What kind of placements
are available?
You can have a placement in just about every line of work out there. We have had Co-op students at restaurants, service garages, hair salons, pharmacies, doctor’s offices, dentist’s offices, physiotherapist’s offices, new home builds, plumbing housecalls, retirement homes, wineries, veterinary offices, bakeries, electrician housecalls, elementary schools, nurseries, florists, landscaping companies, stables, machine shops, welding shops, manufacturing facilities, department stores, museums, and many more. Just let us know what your future employment/post-secondary plans are for after high school, and we’ll do our best to get you at a placement that is best suited towards your career goals.
Do I get paid for my Co-op placement?
No, you will not get paid unless the employer decides to hire you and agrees to pay you for your Co-op placement. This course will allow you to get work experience to see if that job is for you. You may learn much more as an unpaid student as it will allow you the flexibility to observe and try different tasks, and to take the time to understand them.
Is there any coursework
in Co-op?
Yes, there are several Co-op assignments, quizzes and journals throughout the term.
How long is the pre-placement period?
You can expect to spend the first few weeks in the classroom until you get the necessary assignments handed in and the correct forms get signed by your parent/guardian, the Co-op teacher, and the Principal.
When can I start my placement?
You can start as soon as the Co-op teacher receives your signed permission form, signed WEA form, and you have completed all the pre placement coursework.
Am I allowed to find my
own placement?
You are most encouraged to find your own placement but we will also help you if you don’t feel comfortable asking the employer.
How does the Co-op teacher
know if I am attending
the placement?
You will submit your hours worked to the Co-op department every Friday so we can keep track of them. These hours will also be sent to your employer for approval.
I’m in Grade 11 and don’t think that I can fit Co-op into my
timetable next year. Can I take
Co-op instead of MSIP?
Every student in the school must have one MSIP each semester. Consider taking Summer Co-op. Ask Co-op/Guidance about this option in the Spring.
What steps do I follow if
I can’t attend my placement
one day?
Call the employer before your shift starts and tell them that you can’t make it in, followed by an email to us at and a parent/guardian should call the WNSS Attendance Secretary at 905-945-5416
What can happen if I miss too many days of my placement?
The employer has a right to terminate the Co-op placement at any time. You will then be required to find another placement or risk losing credits. Employers are generally forgiving of a few absences in the semester but they will not tolerate consistent lateness/absenteeism.
Where do I find the Co-op coursework?
All assignments and quizzes are on D2L under Content in the Co-op D2L page. There is also a widget on the right side titled Work To Do, or on the bottom if you’re using a mobile device.
Does someone come out
to check on me at
my placement?
One of the Co-op teachers will come out often throughout the semester, sometimes unannounced, to check up on you and to ensure that the tasks given to you will help you reach your learning goals.
What is the dress code
for a placement?
Each employer will have a separate dress code, but at a minimum, please refrain from wearing the following to a Co-op placement: pajamas, slippers, open toed shoes in a factory, clothing with offensive material, ripped clothes, muscle shirts, crop tops, baseball caps (unless allowed), and jogging pants if it’s a professional setting. Look around and see how everyone else is dressing. You want to make a good impression by dressing appropriately for that job setting.
Can I keep my phone in
my pocket during my
work placement?
This is a conversation to have with your employer, but generally, no. Even though you aren’t getting paid for this work opportunity, the supervisor will expect you to be attentive at all times and may even require you to leave your phone in your bag.
Additional Resources